Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về lâm nghiệp được đăng trên tạp chí lâm nghiệp quốc tế đề tài: "Genetic transformation: short review of methods and their applications, results and perspectives for forest trees. | Ann Sci For 1993 50 325-336 Elsevier INRA 325 Review article Genetic transformation a short review of methods and their applications results and perspectives for forest trees L Jouanin 1 ACM Brasileiro 1 JC Leplé 2 G Pilate 2 D Cornu 2 INRA laboratoire de biologie cellulaire route de Saint-Cyr 78026 Versailles Cedex 21NRA station d amelioration des arbres forestiers Ardon 45160 Olivet France Received 10 September 1992 accepted 11 February 1993 Summary This report reviews the state-of-the-art in plant genetic engineering covering both direct and indirect gene transfer methods. The application of these techniques to forest trees has been discussed and a summary of the published results given. An overview of the possibilities of introducing genes of agronomic interest to improve some characteristics such as resistance to pests and modifications of phenotypic traits has been examined. Agrobacterium I biotechnology forest tree genetic transformation Résumé La transformation génétique résultats et perspectives pour les arbres forestiers. Get article fait le point sur les techniques directes et indirectes de transformation génétique des plantes. Leur application pour la transformation des arbres forestiers est discutée et une liste des ré-sultats déjà publiés est établie. Les differents gènes dlntérêt agronomique qui peuvent être intro-duits afin d amdliorer des caractères comme la résistance aux pathogènes et des modifications du phénotype sont détaillés. Agrobacterium arbres forestiers biotechnologie transformation génétique INTRODUCTION Biotechnology includes tissue culture molecular biology and genetic transformation. This field of research can accelerate tree improvement programs in a number of ways. Tissue culture not only offers the potential to multiply selected genotypes efficiently and rapidly but is also essential for the multiplication of transformed genotypes. Molecular biology and genetics provide insight into the nature organization and control of genetic .