Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về lâm nghiệp được đăng trên tạp chí lâm nghiệp quốc tế đề tài: " Comparison of two sap flow methods for the estimation of tree transpiration. | Ann. Sci. For. 55 1998 707-713 Inra Elsevier Paris 707 Original article Comparison of two sap flow methods for the estimation of tree transpiration Régis Tournebize Stephane Boistard Unite de recherche Agropédoclimatique Inra Centre Antilles-Guyane BP 515 97165 Pointe-à-Pitre cedex France Received 3 December 1996 revised 10 March 1997 accepted 20 December 1997 Abstract - The purpose of this note is to compare two sap flow methods for estimation of transpiration on the tropical tree Gliricidia septum. The first one is based on heat dissipation around a heater probe and the second is based on complete stem energy balance. Under our conditions no significant differences between daily transpiration measurements were shown using the radial fluxmeter method and the heat balance method. Thus these two methods can be used alternately or in a complementary way according to their specific advantages. Inra Elsevier Paris. transpiration I sapflow radial fluxmeter energy balance Gliricidia sepium Resume - Comparaison de deux methodes de flux de sève pour 1 estimation de la transpiration d arbres. Deux methodes de flux de sève on été comparées sur des arbustes tropicaux Gliricidia septum . La premiere méthode consiste à suivre la dissipation de chaleur d une sonde chauffante et la seconde est basée sur rétablissement d un bilan d energie complet d une portion de tige. Dans nos conditions et durant plus de dix jours aucune difference significative de transpiration joumaliere n a été trouvée entre la premiere methode du fluxmetre radial et la seconde du bilan de chaleur d une section de tige. Les deux methodes peuvent done s utiliser indifferement ou de faẹon complémentaire en fonction de leurs avantages respectifs. Inra Elsevier Paris. transpiration flux de sève fluxmetre radial bilan de chaleur Gliricidia septum Correspondence and reprints E-mail tournebi@ 708 R. Tournebize s. Boistard 1. INTRODUCTION A good knowledge of crop water cycle is required to manage .