Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về lâm nghiệp được đăng trên tạp chí lâm nghiệp quốc tế đề tài: "Growth response of Populus hybrids to flooding. | Ann. Sci. For. 1989 46 361-372 Elsevier INRA 361 Original article Growth response of Populus hybrids to flooding . Hallgren INRA station d amelioration des arbres forestiers Ardon 45160 Olivet France received 25 September 1988 accepted 27 February 1989 Summary The growth responses to flooding of 19 Populus clones representing crosses among 7 species from 3 sections were studied under controlled conditions. Softwood cuttings were grown in a greenhouse and subjected to three treatments well watered and flooded to 10 or 5 cm below the soil surface for 12 weeks from July to November. Root growth was severely reduced by flooding and stem growth was unaffected for some clones and increased in others. Consequently clonal mean dry matter production for flooded soils ranged from 107 percent to 62 percent of the control. The capacity to grow roots in waterlogged soil was associated with dry weight production in flooded soil. Aigeiros hybrids and the intersectional hybrids Tacamahaca X Aigeiros showed higher resistance to waterlogged soils than Tacamahaca hybrids. Leuce hybrids showed a wide range of responses and the p. tremula X p. tremuloides hybrids ranked high for capacity to grow roots below the water table. Flooding caused all the clones to develop morphological traits associated with oxygen transport to submerged roots stem hypertrophy hypertrophied lenticels on the stem and roots oxidation of the rhizosphere and increased root porosity. waterlogged soil - root porosity - resistance - roots - morphology Resume Comportement d hybrides de Populus en sol ennoyé. L objectif de 1 étude était de comparer le développement et adaptation de clones de Populus dans des conditions simulées d hydromorphie édaphique pour apporter aux sélectionneurs une technique précoce de prediction de adaptation des clones aux sols hydromorphes. Dix-neuf clones hybrides interspecifiques dont les parents appartiennent à 7 espèces des 3 sections principales utilisées en populiculture - Aigeiros