Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về lâm nghiệp được đăng trên tạp chí lâm nghiệp quốc tế đề tài:"The role of ectomycorrhizal fungi in calcareous soil tolerance by "symbiocalcicole" woody plants. | Ann SciFor 1990 21 579-589 Elsevier INRA 579 Original article The role of ectomycorrhizal fungi in calcareous soil tolerance by symbiocalcicole woody plants F Lapeyrie INRA Centre de Recherches Forestieres de Nancy Champenoux 54280 Seichamps France Received 29 March 1990 accepted 5 October 1990 Summary There are now a few examples in the literature of trees or dwarf shrub which can tolerate calcareous soils only in association with mycorrhizal fungi these plants could be termed symblo-calcicole. An integrative flow-diagram which summarizes probable Interactions between calcareous soil mycorrhizal fungi and roots of symbiocalcicole plants is presented and discussed. Solubilisation mobilisation and or assimilation of phosphorus calcium nitrogen iron and carbonate from calcareous soil are considered successively. mycorrhizas calcareous soil calcium calcifuge symbiocalcicole Résumé Les champignons ectomycorhiziens et la tolérance des sols calcaires par les plantes ligneuses symbiocalcicoles . Quelques cas d arbres OU d arbustes nains tolerant les sols calcaires uniquement lorsqu ils sont associés à des champignons ectomycorhiziens ont fait I objet d une publication. Ces plantes pourraient être dénommées symbiocalcicoles . Un diagramme résumant les interactions probables existant entre sol calcaire champignon mycorhizien et racine d une plante symbiocalcicole estprésenté et discuté. Sont envisagées successivement la solubilisation la mobilisation et ou I assimilation du phosphore du calcium de I azote du fer et des carbonates d un sol calcaire. mycorhizes sol calcaire calcicole calcifuge symbiocalcicole INTRODUCTION It has long been known that some plants including tree species can be categorized according to their ability to grow in calcareous soils or acidic soils ie the calcicole plants growing in calcareous soil and the calcifuge plants unable to tolerate calcareous soils. From a practical point of view both foresters and agronomists have taken this into .