Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về lâm nghiệp được đăng trên tạp chí lâm nghiệp Original article đề tài: Interrelationship between vitality of ectomycorrhizae and occurrence of microfungi. | 745s Ann Sei. For. 1989 46 suppl. 745S-749S Forest Tree Physiology E. Dreyer ef al. eds. Elsevier INRA Interrelationship between vitality of ectomycorrhizae and occurrence of microfungi T. Ritter G. Weber I. Haug I. Kottke and F. Oberwinkler Universităt Tubingen Institut fur Biologie I Spezielle Botanik und Mykologie Auf der Morgenstelle 1 D-7400 Tubingen . Introduction In connection with forest decline root-soil interactions are frequently discussed. Up to now it has been difficult to classify the vitality of ectomycorrhizae and less attention has been paid to the microfungal flora associated with the roots. Thus occurrence and species diversity of microfungi of the rhizoplane and the interior of the mycorrhizae have been investigated in two plots which differed in their degree of canopy damage. In parallel studies the vitality of ectomycorrhizae was evaluated by vital staining with fluorescein diacetate FDA . Materials and Methods The sites The testing ground Ziefle is situated in the northern Black Forest near Alpirsbach. On slightly gleyic brown earth of red sandstone a stand of 70-80 yr old Norway spruce Picea abies L. Karst. and silver fir Abies alba Mill. is located. One part of the area was limed in 1975 with 30 dt ha Hũttenkalk . On the limed plot trees are generally healthy whereas on the unlimed plot severe yellowing and loss of needles can be observed. A characterization of the limed and unlimed plots is given in Table I. Determination of mycorrhizal vitality Root samples were taken strictly related to defined trees . one representative silver fir A. alba Mill. and one representative Norway spruce R abies L. Karst. from each plot at irregular time intervals between May 1985 and August 1987. Vitality of ectomycorrhizae was ascertained under the fluorescence microscope after vital staining with FDA. Since only living cells give a light green fluorescent response to FDA-vital staining Rotman and Papermaster 1966 Ziegler et al. 1975 this technique .