Chapter 10 Synthesis of Closed Loop Control Systems trò của sửa: tình thế tiến thoái lưỡng nan ổn định chính xác phương pháp điều chỉnh bao gồm trong chương này tham khảo để cân nhắc về hành vi vô hướng. Là cơ sở để hiểu rằng các chi tiết kỹ thuật quy định các buổi biểu diễn vòng lặp kín sẽ được dịch bởi các ràng buộc trên đáp ứng tần số của hệ thống mở vòng lặp sửa chữa. Việc tìm kiếm một thỏa hiệp giữa sự ổn định và nhanh chóng dẫn đến áp đặt, trên vòng khép kín,. | Chapter 10 Synthesis of Closed Loop Control Systems . Role of correctors precision-stability dilemma The correction methods covered in this chapter refer to considerations of scalar behavior. It is fundamental to understand that the specifications stipulating the closed loop performances will be translated by the constraints on the frequency response of the open loop corrected system. The search for a compromise between stability and rapidity generally leads to imposing on the closed loop a behavior similar to that of a second order system having conjugated complex number poles. The choice of the damping value Ẹ is imposed by the required degree of stability. That is why it is indispensable to have a good knowledge of the relations between the parameters and the behavior of the second order systems in order to be able to use specifications defining the performances required from the closed loop final system. The general principle of a specification list is based on two points - interpretation of specifications in order to obtain the characteristics of a second order model of the closed loop needed - search for the constraints on the open loop introducing the behavior sought in closed loop. For reasons of clarity let us recall the main results of the previous chapter concerning the analysis of the behavior of systems. Chapter written by Houria SIGUERDIDJANE and Martial DEMERLÉ. 284 Analysis and Control of Linear Systems . Analysis of systems behavior . Static errors For a zero static error - with respect to a set point step function there has to be at least one integration in the open loop - with respect to a set point ramp there have to be at least two integrations in the open loop - with respect to an interference step function there has to be one integration upstream from the input point of the interference in the open loop. . Stability The analysis of stability of the looped system in the current case of a stable system in open loop is