TCP/IP Suite and Internet Stack Protocols Các giao thức Internet bao gồm một bộ các giao thức truyền thông, trong đó nổi tiếng nhất là Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) và Nghị định thư Internet (IP). Bộ phần mềm TCP / IP không chỉ bao gồm các lớp thấp hơn giao thức (TCP, UDP, IP, ARP, RARP, ICMP, IGMP), nhưng cũng quy định cụ thể các ứng dụng phổ biến như www, e-mail, đăng nhập, tên miền đặt tên dịch vụ và chuyển giao tập tin. Hình trong chương 1 mô tả rất nhiều các giao thức của bộ giao. | 2 TCP IP Suite and Internet Stack Protocols The Internet protocols consist of a suite of communication protocols of which the two best known are the Transmission Control Protocol TCP and the Internet Protocol IP . The TCP IP suite includes not only lower-layer protocols TCP UDP IP ARP RARP ICMP and IGMP but also specifies common applications such as www e-mail domain naming service login and file transfer. Figure in Chapter 1 depicts many of the protocols of the TCP IP suite and their corresponding OSI layer. It may not be important for the novice to understand the details of all protocols but it is important to know which protocols exist how they can be used and where they belong in the TCP IP suite. This chapter addresses various layered protocols in relation to Internet security and shows which are available for use with which applications. Network Layer Protocols At the network layer in the OSI model TCP IP supports the IP. IP contains four supporting protocols ARP RARP ICMP and IGMP. Each of these protocols is described below. Internet Protocol IP The Internet Protocol IP is a network layer layer 3 in the OSI model or the Internet layer in the TCP IP model protocol which contains addressing information and some control information to enable packets to be controlled. IP is well documented in RFC 791 and is the basic communication protocol in the Internet protocol suite. IP specifies the exact format of all data as it passes across the Internet. IP software performs the routing function choosing the path over which data will be sent. IP includes a set of rules that enbody the idea of unreliable packet delivery. IP is an unreliable Internet Security. Edited by . Rhee 2003 John Wiley Sons Ltd ISBN 0-470-85285-2 16 INTERNET SECURITY and connectionless datagram protocol. The service is called unreliable because delivery is not guaranteed. The service is called connectionless because each packet is treated independently from all others. If .