Tập thể dục 14,5 phác thảo các hướng dẫn cấu hình người gửi lọc trên máy chủ Exchange Server 2007. Lưu ý rằng các thủ tục được mô tả là chỉ áp dụng cho hệ thống địa phương. Nếu bạn đang chạy nhiều hơn một máy chủ Edge Transport trong tổ chức của bạn, sau đó thực hiện theo các thủ tục trên các máy chủ khác | 582 Chapter 14 Planning Antivirus and Antispam for Exchange Server 2007 Exercise outlines the instructions to configure sender filtering on the Exchange Server 2007 server. Note that the procedure described is applied only to the local system. If you are running more than one Edge Transport server in your organization then follow the procedure on your other Edge Transport servers to maintain consistency. EXERCISE Configuring Sender Filtering Use the following steps to configure sender filtering 1. Log on to the server on which you want to run this command. 2. Click Start All Programs Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 and then click on Exchange Management Console. 3. Select Edge Transport in the Console tree. 4. Click on the Anti-spam tab right-click on the sender-filtering agent and then click on Properties. 5. The General tab of the Agent Properties window displays its current status Enabled or Disabled the last time the agent s settings were modified and a brief description of the agent. Click on the Blocked Senders tab to add edit or delete entries in the Blocked Senders list. 6. At the bottom of the window shown below choose the Block Messages from Blank Senders option. This option blocks messages that do not specify the sender s email address. A common technique of spammers is to hide the sender address or not specify an email address in the sender field. Click on Add. Planning and Implementing Exchange Server 2007 Antispam Features 583 EXERCISE continued 7. In the Add Blocked Senders dialog box under Individual E-mail Address type in the email address of a sender rawlinson@ in this example as shown below and then click OK to continue. You also can choose Domain to block particular domains and subdomains. 8. On the Action tab ensure that Reject Message is selected. Alternatively you can choose to stamp messages with Blocked Sender and continue processing instead of rejecting the messages. 9. Click Apply to save changes or click OK