để ưu tiên những tin nhắn bạn sẽ đọc đầu tiên và bạn sẽ gửi thẳng vào thùng rác có thể. Tương tự như vậy, Apple "s Thư chương trình bao gồm các khả năng thiết lập các quy tắc thư tự động cho các tin nhắn đến. Hãy "đầu tiên tìm hiểu làm thế nào để thiết lập một hộp thư thông minh. Thông minh Mailbox mới | Cjj The Awesome Automation Guide for Macs You may have a document you print on a regular basis. You could create a workflow which automatically prints the document for you. Or say you have an application in which each time you launch it all the other applications on your desktop hide so that you won t be distracted. Again that s a workflow you can build. It will save you some clicking and help you get things done a little faster. Just think about simple tasks you perform and see if there are Actions inside of Automator that you can use to perform them for you. Let s learn about another Automator workflow this time using an iCal. Creating an iCal Workflow Start a new workflow in Automator and this time select the iCal Alarm template. We re going to build a workflow which automatically launches a set of your favorite websites every weekday morning. http Bakari Chavanu Page 51 Cjj The Awesome Automation Guide for Macs Get Specified URLs Actions Variables Q Name In Library Qj Calendar Contacts Developer Files IỈ Folders Fonts Internet Mail Movies Music PDFs Photos 9 Presentations ES System @ Create single. iPad Web App ig Display Webpages Download URLs EQ Filter Articles Filter URLs e Get Current from Safari I 133 Get Enclosure. from Articles G3 Get Feeds from Mail LSI Get Feeds from Safari ESI Get Feeds from URLs G33 Get Image URLs from Articles Get Image URLs from Webpage LSI Get Link URLs from Articles @ Get Link URLs from Webpages ESI Get Permalinks of Articles Mt X Utilities X Other a Most Used a Recently Added @ Get Specified URLs 133 Get Text from Articles @ Get Text from Webpage E3j Mark Articles Get Specified URLs This action passes the specified URLs into the next action. Input URLs Result URLs In order to figure out what Actions we might need we can either do a search for Actions related to websites or URLs or we can click on the Internet category in Automatons Action Library and