Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về y học được đăng trên tạp chí y học Radiation Oncology cung cấp cho các bạn kiến thức về ngành y đề tài: Intra-fraction setup variability: IR optical localization vs. X-ray imaging in a hypofractionated patient population. | Spadea et al. Radiation Oncology 2011 6 38 http content 6 1 38 RADIATION ONCOLOGY RESEARCH Open Access Intra-fraction setup variability IR optical localization vs. X-ray imaging in a hypofractionated patient population l l Cr 1 2Pnra _ f. l .il czz Pilor dr li2 3 Orox cd A Itcric 5 C 1I 1 5 Mdrid Frdncescd spdded DdlUdld Idgdste IVIdrco Kiboldi Eleonord rreve Ddnield Alterio Gdid riperno I VI ft Iz- ft V 1I z-l 14 D Pz CSz zz 1z - 3 5A e z o zzz-l z I 2 zz z-l ft I 11 zl zz D -z V zz Z 12 3 Cristind Gdribdldi Koberto oreccnid Antonio reuotti dno Guido Ddioni Abstract Background The purpose of this study is to investigdte intrd-frdction setup vdridbility in hypo-frdctiondted crdnidl dnd body radiotherapy this is dchieved by medns of integrated infrared opticdl locdlizdtion dnd stereoscopic kV X-rdy imdging. Method and Materials We dndlyzed ddtd coming from 87 pdtients tredted with hypo-frdctiondted radiotherapy dt crdnidl dnd extrd-crdnidl sites. rdtient setup wds redlized through the ExdcTrdc X-rdy 6D system BrdinLAB Germdny consisting of 2 infrared TV cdmerds for externdl fiducidl locdlizdtion dnd X-rdy imdging in double projection for imdge registration. Before irrddidtion pdtients were pre-dligned relying on opticdl mdrker locdlizdtion. rdtient position wds refined through the dutomdtic mdtching of X-rdy imdges to digitdlly reconstructed radiographs providing 6 corrective pdrdmeters thdt were dutomdticdlly dpplied using d robotic couch. Infrared pdtient locdlizdtion dnd X-rdy imdging were performed dt the end of tredtment thus providing independent medsures of intrd-frdction motion. Results According to opticdl medsurements the size of intrd-frdction motion wds median quartile mm mm mm for crdnidl dbdomindl dnd lung pdtients respectively. X-rdy imdge registration estimdted ldrger intrd-frdction motion equdl to mm mm mm correspondingly. Conclusion Opticdl tracking .