Bởi vì cuốn sách của chúng không được nhóm lại, cuốn sách khác sẽ dính vào họ. Trong hình 6-16, ngăn xếp thứ hai theo chiều dọc được di chuyển bên cạnh chồng hiện nay trên thềm lục địa phía dưới, do đó màu cam và màu hồng sách liền kề chia sẻ một khuôn mặt | Figure 6-16 Because the books themselves are not grouped other books will stick to them. In Figure 6-16 the second vertical stack is moved next to the stack currently on the bottom shelf so that the adjacent orange and pink books share a face. Figure 6-17 Figure 6-18 If you try to move the new stack so that the large cyan book aligns with the front of the shelf the face and common edges shared with the orange book move too Figure 6-17 . The solution to this problem is to make each stack of books into a group. In addition to preventing stickiness each book stack will be easy to select using one click instead of selection windows that can select more or less than you need. You could make the bookcase itself into a group too but that won t solve the problem of books sticking to each other. 1. Download my Bookcase model shown previously in Figure 6-12 from the 3D Warehouse. 2. Make each stack of books into its own group Figure 6-18 . Figure 6-19 3. Move one of the vertical stacks to the front-left corner of the bottom shelf Figure 6-19 . Unsticking Edges 139 4. Move the stack a bit to the right Figure 6-20 and the bookcase remains unchanged. 5. Place the other vertical stack so that the adjacent orange and pink books share a face Figure 6-21 . 6. This new stack protrudes into the back of the bookcase so it needs to be moved a bit forward. Move it so that the cyan book aligns with the front of the bookcase. As shown in Figure 6-22 the two stacks remain separate the pink book does not remain stuck to the orange book. You could also move the stacks apart they are not glued at their common plane. Figure 6-20 Figure 6-21 Figure 6-22 140 Chapter 6 Groups Protect and Defend Figure 6-23 Figure 6-24 7. Place the horizontal stack on the top shelf align it at the front corner of the shelf Figure 6-23 . 8. Move the stack up perhaps to make room for more books . The bookcase remains unchanged Figure 6-24 . Protecting from Edits Problem You have a floor and walls for a room but