Chọn tất cả mọi thứ, bạn nhấn phải chuột vào bất kỳ đối tượng được lựa chọn, và chọn Intersect → Intersect Model. Bây giờ bạn có cạnh dọc theo mỗi mặt thẳng đứng (hình 3-21).Xoá bỏ các nhóm, và cạnh ngã tư vẫn của bạn, như thể hiện trong hình 3-22. 8. Xoá bỏ những khuôn mặt cao điểm trong mỗi khuôn mặt thẳng đứng | 8. Select both cutting components and make a new component. Set the origin for this component at the bottom of the frame where the window will meet the front face of the wall. Keep the red and green axes in their current directions Figure 7-60 . 9. In blank space make a box to represent the building. Use the Offset tool to offset the top face inward by the same distance as the thickness of the window such as 6 inches. 10. From the In Model folder of the Components window insert some windows in the walls. The cutting face aligns exactly with the front faces of the walls Figure 7-61 . 11. Explode all of the window components. This reduces each window to its two nested components which are both set to cut faces. Therefore the front and back faces are simultaneously cut Figure 7-62 . 12. Orbit to view the back of the windows. The window frames fit exactly within the thickness of the walls Figure 7-63 . Figure 7-60 Figure 7-61 Figure 7-62 Figure 7-63 178 Chapter 7 Components Efficiency in Repetition Reloading Components Problem You want to replace a component with another component which is a model from another file. Solution Use the Reload option which switches out existing components for components external to the current model all of the components are swapped at once. Discussion Say you have designed a building with 50 identical window components and your client decides that another window would work better. The Reload option enables you to replace all of the original windows with new ones. Reloading is particularly useful for landscaping components for example when you want to switch one type of shrub for another. This technique is also helpful for solving a common problem in SketchUp Models with numerous heavy components may run slowly when you orbit pan and so on because SketchUp has to regenerate each edge of each component with every new view. You can use temporary placeholder components in place of the real ones and use the Reload option to swap them out