Đèn chiếu sáng tương tác với những yếu tố này để tạo ra một hiệu ứng được gọi là ánh sáng thể tích, trong đó các chùm ánh sáng trở nên hữu hình do tương tác của họ với các hạt khói hoặc hơi nước trong khí quyển. Có nhiều cuộc thảo luận volumetrics sau. | General Light Properties OpenGL. You can change exactly which lights you want Affect OpenGL applied to simply by deselecting this control on those lights. This button determines whether or not the selected light will illuminate objects in your OpenGL Layout. Be aware that OpenGL currently supports a maximum of eight lights. You may have Affect OpenGL activated for 20 lights but only the eight brightest in the list will affect objects within Layout s OpenGL View unless you specify the eight lights you want OpenGL to use by disabling the Affect Figure Affect OpenGL button. OpenGL switch in all the other lights. Note that this does not affect rendered images in any way but only whether the effects of the selected light are visible in Layout s OpenGL View. Affect Caustics The Affect Caustics button can actually save you significant render time if you have enabled caustics in your scene because you can eliminate all the lights from caustics calculations except the specific ones involved in the caustic effect. What are caustics In the real world caustics are very similar to specularity except that instead of the light intensifying toward the camera it reflects off the surface and intensifies on another surface. Caustics is similar to radiosity in that it is light that is reflected off one surface onto another or focused by refraction onto another surface. The Figure The Affect Caustics button. difference is that caustic light is focused and highly intensified to create a bright area of reflection or refraction. By having the Affect Caustics button enabled only for a specific light or a couple of lights all other lights will not calculate caustics. This 137 Chapter 11 means more predictable results and less render time than if you had caustics enabled for all lights. Note Caustics must be enabled in the Global Illumination panel. Figure Figure Enable caustics both on the individual light in the Light Properties Basic sub-tab and in the Global .