Thông thường các lệnh khung nhìn được kích hoạt từ thanh menu ở dạng hộp thoại 26 thanh Menu View-Viewports-Được đặt tên Viewports và hộp thoại nhắc Viewports với tab Viewports đặt tên hoạt động và bốn lưu khung nhìn cấu hình đáp ứng | 130 Modelling with AutoCAD 2004 3 With layer EDGE current create the following touching edges similar in layout to Fig. a a four lines b four three point arcs c four single 90 degree polyline arcs use CE option 4 Set SURFTAB1 to 10 and SURFTAB2 to 7 command line entry 5 Select the EDGE SURFACE icon from the Surfaces toolbar and prompt Select object 1 for surface edge respond pick a point on any line prompt Select object 2 for surface edge respond pick a point on another line prompt Select object 3 for surface edge respond pick a point on a third line prompt Select object 4 for surface edge respond pick a point on the fourth line 6 A 10 X 7 surface mesh is stretched between the four touching lines as Fig. a1 7 a Erase the added edge surface b Set SURFTAB1 and SURFTAB2 to 18 c Menu bar with Draw-Surfaces-Edge Surface and pick the four touching lines in any order d The edge surface mesh is displayed as Fig. a2 8 At the command line enter EDGESURF R and pick the four arcs to display the edge surface mesh as Fig. b 9 Set both SURFTAB1 and SURFTAB2 to 10 and add an edge surface mesh between the four touching polyarcs - Fig. c . The result of this mesh is quite interesting This completes the first exercise and it need not be saved. Example 2 a 3D edge surface mesh 1 Open your MV3DSTD template file MVLAY1 tab 2 Refer to Fig. 3 With layer MODEL UCS BASE and the lower left viewport active use the LINE icon to draw the four touching lines Start point 0 0 0 Next point 150 0 -20 Next point 180 200 30 Next point 40 120 50 Next point close 4 The four lines will be displayed as Fig. a 5 Centre each viewport about the point 90 100 25 at 250 magnification 6 Make a new layer MESH colour blue and current 7 Set both SURFTAB1 and SURFTAB2 to 10 8 Using the edge surface icon pick the four lines in the order indicated 1-2-3-4 as Fig. a Edge surface 131 Figure Edge surface Example 2 - 3D with edit vertices. 9 An edge surface mesh will be .