Vứt bỏ Mẫu Gradient Map. Lớp của bạn sẽ giống như trong hình 6,12. 19. Kích hoạt điều chỉnh Bản đồ đỏ, và nhấp vào hình thu nhỏ Gradient Map. Điều này sẽ mở lại hộp thoại Gradient Map. Click vào xem trước để mở Gradient Editor. | gradient map corrections for accurate color 155 18. Throw out the Gradient Map Template. Your layers should look like Figure . 19. Activate the Red Map Adjustment and click the Gradient Map thumbnail. This will reopen the Gradient Map dialog. Click on the preview to open the Gradient Editor. Slide the color stops to the original values measured for the Red components. In the example move the 75 Location stop to 89 the 50 Location stop to 51 and the 25 Location stop to 22 . 20. Activate the Green Map Adjustment and click the Gradient Map thumbnail. This will reopen the Gradient Map dialog. Click on the preview to open the Gradient Editor. Slide the color stops to the original values measured for the Green components. In the example move the 75 Location stop to 82 the 50 Location stop to 59 and the 25 Location stop to 35 . 21. Activate the Blue Map Adjustment and click the Gradient Map thumbnail. This will reopen the Gradient Map dialog. Click on the preview to open the Gradient Editor. Slide the color stops to the original values measured for the Blue components. In the example move the 75 Location stop to 82 the 50 Location stop to 56 and the 25 Location stop to 30 . After you have performed all the corrections using the card you will have corrected for white and black as well as 25 percent 50 percent and 75 percent gray. The colors of the card should appear to be flat grays and associated changes to color will take place throughout the image. This adjustment gives you five reference points that should result in some pretty accurate color. This technique should be more accurate than using just one sample reference point and can account for complex lighting. For example if you take a picture in a royal blue room where there is incandescent lighting ambient light reflected might tend to be blue while direct light would be warm or a little red . Highlights would tend toward red while shadows would tend toward blue. Making multipoint corrections enables you to .