Hình 2-2. Hội đồng chia sẻ được đặt trong GAC. Nếu mục Văn hóa là trống để lắp ráp, nó có nghĩa là nền văn hóa trung tính, mà là phổ biến cho các hội đồng có chứa mã duy nhất. Nếu bạn phát triển ứng dụng yêu cầu nội địa hoá | 20 CHAPTER 2 VB 2005 AND THE CLR Figure 2-2. Shared assemblies are located in the GAC. If the Culture entry is blank for an assembly it means that it s culture-neutral which is common for assemblies that contain only code. If you develop applications that require localization it s recommended that you isolate all of your resources in a separate assembly so that they can be swapped out easily with a different culture without affecting your code. Shared assemblies bring us to the concept of assembly naming. Assemblies can be named in two ways Strongly or fully named An assembly that has a four-part name consisting of the short assembly name a version number a culture identifier in ISO format and a hash token. If an assembly is named with all four parts it s considered to be strongly named. Partially named An assembly that contains only the short assembly name and a version number. Shared assemblies must be strongly named and only strongly named assemblies can be registered in the GAC. The strong names are required so that the consuming application can identify the assembly and thus verify that it s safe to use. Registering an assembly in the GAC is analogous to registering a COM server in the registry. If the assembly is not strongly named it may only be used locally by the application. To deploy a shared assembly use the commandline utility . This utility is used to view install and uninstall assemblies in the GAC. Table 2-1 describes some of the available command-line switches that you can use with CHAPTER 2 VB 2005 AND THE CLR 21 Table 2-1. Command-Line Switches Switch Meaning i Install the assembly into the GAC. u Remove the assembly from the GAC if no other references to it exist. il Use a text file containing assembly names to be installed. ul Use a text file containing assembly names to be removed. l Display a listing of installed assemblies. Note Using partially named assemblies with the u or ul switches may remove multiple