Bạn đã nhìn thấy một số các cơ sở rằng lời nguyền cung cấp để xử lý bàn phím. Bàn phím nhiều, rất ít nhất, các phím con trỏ và các phím chức năng. Nhiều người cũng có một bàn phím và các phím khác, chẳng hạn như Insert và Home. | Chapter 8 INSERT INTO children VALUES 1 Jenny 17 INSERT INTO children VALUES 2 Andrew 13 INSERT INTO children VALUES 3 Gavin 4 INSERT INTO children VALUES 4 Duncan 2 INSERT INTO children VALUES 5 Emma 0 INSERT INTO children VALUES 6 Alex 11 INSERT INTO children VALUES 7 Adrian 5 mysqlimport The mysqlimport command is the equally useful cousin of mysqldump. Using mysqlimport you can read in large quantities of data from an input file. The only command-specific parameters required are a filename and a database. Generally you ll be reading in a file created by mysqldump but it s possible to manually create a file that can be read by mysqlimport as well. It s also possible to perform SQL commands from a text file by simply running mysql with input redirected from a file as we mentioned earlier. mysqlshow This little utility can provide quick information about your MySQL installation and its component databases. With no parameters it lists all available databases. With a database as a parameter it lists the tables in that database. With both a database and a table name it lists the columns in that table. With a database table and column it lists the details of the specified column. Creating Users and Giving Them Permissions As a MySQL administrator one of your most common tasks will be user maintenance. Before you try using a wrench on your users a tempting possibility on the best of days we mean adding and removing users from MySQL and managing their privileges. Starting with MySQL users are managed with the grant and revoke commands from within the MySQL monitor a task considerably less daunting than editing the privilege tables directly as was necessary in previous versions. grant The MySQL grant command closely though not exactly follows SQL92. The general format is grant privilege on object to user identified by user-password with grant There are several privilege values that can be granted shown in the following table alter Alter tables and indexes. create .