Nói cách khác, hình 4-6 cho thấy sự xuất hiện mặc định và hoạt động của điều khiển Calendar. Bạn có thể thay đổi sự xuất hiện kiểm soát Lịch và hành vi bằng cách thiết lập các thuộc tính khác nhau. Bảng 4-2 liệt kê các thuộc tính bạn có thể thay đổi: | Working with the Calendar Control 161 Figure 4-6 A page with a Calendar control. Book II Chapter 4 In other words Figure 4-6 shows the default appearance and operation of the Calendar control. You can modify the Calendar control s appearance and behavior by setting various properties. Table 4-2 lists the properties you re most likely to change Using Advanced web Server Controls Table 4-2 Common Calendar Control Properties Property Description Caption Provides a caption displayed at the top of the calendar. DayNameFormat The format used to display the day names. Options are Full Short FirstLetter FirstTwoLetters and Shortest. FirstDayOfWeek Lets you pick the starting day for the weeks. The default is Sunday. NextPrevFormat Indicates how the buttons that move to the next and previous month are displayed. Options are CustomText ShortMonth or FullMonth. NextMonthText The custom text displayed for the button that leads to the next month. The default is a gt a greater-than sign. PrevMonthText The custom text displayed for the button that leads to the previous month. The default is a lt a less-than sign. SelectedDate The selected date. SelectionMode Controls what the user can select. Options are Day the user can select a single day DayWeek the user can select a single day or an entire week and DayWeek Month the user can select a single day an entire week or an entire month . continued 162 Working with the Calendar Control Table 4-2 continued Property Description ShowGridLines Controls whether grid lines are displayed for the calendar. ShowNextPrevMonth Controls whether the next and previous month buttons are visible. ShowTitle Controls whether the title is displayed. TitleFormat Controls the title format. Options are Month just the month and MonthYear the month and year . VisibleDate Specifies the date that should be visible when the calendar is displayed. If you don t set this property the current date will be displayed. You can also apply an autoformat to a Calendar .