Việc kiểm soát TabStrip được sử dụng để trình bày điều khiển tab, mà có thể được sử dụng cùng với sự kiểm soát MultiPage để hiển thị thông tin đa dạng trong một không gian nhất định. Việc kiểm soát TabStrip ám tab mà người dùng có thể nhấp chuột để chuyển đổi giữa các tab khác nhau. | Figure 4-3 Sample output of a TreeView control Using the TabStrip and MultiPage Controls The TabStrip control is used to present tabbed controls which can be used along with the MultiPage control to display varied information in a given space. The TabStrip control renders tabs that users can click to switch between the different tabs. The MultiPage control is used to display multiple pages of data in a given screen area. This control is typically used with the TabStrip control. TabStrip control You use the following syntax to add a TabStrip control to a page tagprefix TabStrip runat Server TabDefaultStyle . TabHoverStyle . TabSelectedStyle . SepDefaultStyle . tagprefix Tab text . tagprefix Tab text tagprefix Tab text tagprefix Tab tagprefix TabStrip The TabStrip control uses the following elements to define the tabbed interface to be rendered Tabstrip Defines a TabStrip control which acts as a container for the tabs and tab separators. Tab Defines a tab element in the TabStrip control which is rendered on the client browser as tabs on top of the tab strip. Tabseparator Represents the separator bars between the tabs. Table 4-4 describes some of the properties of the TabStrip control. Table 4-4 Properties of the TabStrip control Property Description AutoPostBack Specifies whether or not the control Table 4-4 Properties of the TabStrip control Property Description posts back to the server on every client request. DefaultStyle Specifies the default style of the TabStrip control. Orientation Specifies the orientation of the tabs which can be horizontal or vertical. SelectedIndex Returns the index of the selected tab. SepDefaultStyle Specifies the default style for the tab separators. SepHoverStyle Specifies the style to be applied to the tab separators when the mouse hovers over the separators. TargetID Specifies the name of the MultiPage control to which the tabs will be linked automaticall y. The TabStrip control supports the SelectedIndexChanged event