Một khách hàng có thể kết thúc một PUT và GET yêu cầu trong quá trình hoạt động bằng cách gọi phương pháp hủy bỏ (). Phương pháp hủy bỏ () sẽ gửi một yêu cầu hủy bỏ vào máy chủ | 106 Chapter Five OBEX Verify that the whole object was received int responseCode switch responseCode case return case case Since nothing was found return null return null default throw new IOException Request Failed Figure Phases of a GET operation. Programming with the API 107 A client can end a PUT and GET request during the operation by calling the abort method. The abort method sends an ABORT request to the server and signals to the server the request should not be processed. The abort method closes the Inputstream Outputstream and Operation object. If the operation has already ended the abort method throws an lOException. Receiving a Request from a Client OBEX servers are similar to Java servlets once the transport layer connection is established. HTTP servlets extend HttpServlet OBEX servers extend the ServerRequestHandler class. Unlike HttpServlet the serverRequestHandler class does not require any methods to be overridden. OBEX servers need only to override the methods for the type of client requests the server would like to handle. For example if the OBEX server wants only to process CONNECT SETPATH and PUT requests the server needs only to override the onConnect onSet-Path and onPut methods. If the client makes a DELETE or GET request the implementation on the server side would automatically respond with the OBEX_HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED response code. Table shows how OBEX requests are received by an application and how the implementation will respond if the method is not overridden. The onConnect onDelete and onDisconnect methods allow servers to respond to OBEX CONNECT DELETE and DISCONNECT requests respectively. All three methods have two arguments. The Table How OBEX Requests Are Translated to Methods by the JABWT Implementation OBEX Request ServerRequestHandler CONNECT onConnect SETPATH