Tất cả điều này là đạt được thông qua JMS BC. Trong trường hợp của dòng tin nhắn gửi đi, trước Công nguyên JMS được gọi bởi quá trình kinh doanh của chúng tôi, trước Công nguyên JMS hoạt động như một nhà cung cấp dịch vụ bên ngoài của JMS. | Chapter 10 invoke name InvokeSA_WS partnerLink WS_AirAlliance operation SA_processItinerary portType ns1 WS_AirAlliance inputVariable SA_processItineraryIn1 outputVariable SA_processItineraryOut1 assign name Assign2 copy from return from to return to copy assign reply name ReplyFromAA partnerLink NA_CheckAvailability operation NA_CheckAvailabilityOperation portType ns2 NA_CheckAvailabilityPortType variable NA_CheckAvailabilityOperationOut1 sequence else sequence name Sequence2 invoke name InvokeNA_WS2 partnerLink WS_AirAlliance operation NA_processItinerary portType ns1 WS_AirAlliance inputVariable NA_processItineraryIn1 outputVariable NA_processItineraryOut1 assign name Assign3 copy from return from to return to copy assign reply name ReplyFromAA2 partnerLink NA_CheckAvailability operation NA_CheckAvailabilityOperation portType ns2 NA_CheckAvailabilityPortType variable NA_CheckAvailabilityOperationOut2 sequence else if A later part of this chapter develops a more complex BPEL process with If activities. Creating a Composite Application NetBeans supports combining sub-modules like BPEL into a Composite Application and deploying that Composite Application to Java Business Integration JBI run time. The Composite Application project option in NetBeans is used to create a service assembly that can be deployed to the JBI server. Within the Composite Application project you can assemble an application that uses multiple project types build JBI deployment packages and monitor the status of JBI server components. 223 Building a Sample Application The JBI server can have different service engines. One of them is a BPEL service engine. In order to deploy a Composite Application to the BPEL runtime it must have at least one JBI module. For creating a Composite Application use the New Project wizard s SOA Composite Application .