ls – directory listing ls -al – formatted listing with hidden files cd dir - change directory to dir cd – change to home pwd – show current directory mkdir dir – create a directory dir | Unix Linux Command Reference 1 File Commands 1 1 System Info 1 ls - directory listing date - show the current date and time ls -al - formatted listing with hidden files cal - show this month s calendar cd dir - change directory to dir uptime - show current uptime cd - change to home w - display who is online pwd - show current directory whoami - who you are logged in as mkdir dir - create a directory dir finger user - display information about user rm file - delete file uname -a - show kernel information rm -r dir - delete directory dir cat proc cpuinfo - cpu information rm -f file - force remove file cat proc meminfo - memory information rm -rf dir - force remove directory dir man command - show the manual for command cp filel file2 - copy filel to file2 df - show disk usage cp -r dirl dir2 - copy dirl to dir2 create dir2 if it du - show directory space usage doesn t exist free - show memory and swap usage mv filel file2 - rename or move filel to file2 whereis app - show possible locations of app if file2 is an existing directory moves filel into directory file2 which app - show which app will be run by default In -s file link - create symbolic link link to file Compression touch file - create or update file tar cf file. tar files - create a tar named cat file - places standard input into file containing files more file - output the contents of file tar xf file. tar - extract the files from head file - output the first 10 lines of file tar czf file. files - create a tar with tail file - output the last 10 lines of file Gzip compression tail -f file - output the contents of file as it grows starting with the last 10 lines tar xzf - extract a tar using Gzip tar cjf file. - create a tar with Bzip2 compression Process Management tar xjf - extract a tar using Bzip2 ps - display your currently active processes gzip file - compresses file and renames it to top - display all running processes .