Hướng dẫn lãnh đạo đồng bao gồm thiết kế để đi cùng với Chương trình Phát triển các nhà lãnh đạo Khoảng Bạn Đào tạo DVD, câu trả lời để điền vào những khoảng trống đề xuất về tiến hành các lớp học | Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - http My Influence My life shall touch a dozen lives before this day is done Leave countless marks for good or ill ere sets the evening sun This is the wish I always wish the prayer I always pray God may my life help other lives it touches by the way. Author Unknown STOP k  and Assess As a leader you will either help people or hurt them. And your influence reaches far Sociologists tell US that even the most introverted individual will influence ten thousand other people during his or her lifetime. You can read more about how far-reaching your influence is on pages 2-4 in Developing the Leader Within You by John Maxwell. Ask yourself do others desire to be around me or do they avoid me The answer reveals much about whether you are helping or hurting others. 5. People of positive influence ADD VALUE Io others. 1 life isn t significant except for its impact upon our lives. Jackie Robinson Success is when I ad l value to MYSELF Significance is when I add value to OTHERS 30 Developing the Leader Within You Leader Guide STOP and Assess In what way does your leadership role add value to others The following questions will help you determine this. 1. Does my work play to my strengths or the strengths of others 2. Do I recognize the success of others 3. Do 1 have an extra-mile-whatever-it-lakes attitude 4. Am I interested in earning credit or do 1 willingly share it with others To create a climate or environment where others are esteemed is essential to develop and strengthen your leadership. This climate will also provide the necessary atmosphere for everyone in the organization or your department to grow and succeed in fulfilling their responsibilities. THIS Influencing others is a choice. You make the choice about how you will influence others. Don t wait for them to come to you. The litmus test of whether or not you are an encouraging leader is if people migrate to you at times other than when they need .