Đó là đầu tư tốt hơn? Đầu tư 1 sản lượng tổng số tiền mặt dòng chảy của $ 0, trong khi đầu tư 2 mang lại một dòng tiền tổng cộng $ . Ở cái nhìn đầu tiên, đầu tư 2 sẽ xuất hiện để được tốt hơn. Nhưng chờ một phút. Hầu hết tiền mặt Đánh giá đầu tư khi sử dụng Tiêu chuẩn giá trị hiện tại Net | 200 Microsoft Excel 2010 Data Analysis and Business Modeling Given quarterly corporate revenues how can I indicate quarters in which revenues increased over the previous quarter in one color and quarters in which revenues decreased from the previous quarter in another color The file contains quarterly revenues in millions for during the years 1995-2009. See Figure 24-23. We want to highlight quarters in which revenues increased over the previous quarter in green and highlight quarters in which revenues decreased over the previous quarter in red. FIGURE 24-23 H gh ght ng ncreased sa es n green and decreased sa es n red. The Use A Formula option in the Conditional Formatting Rules Manager dialog box enables you to specify a formula that defines conditions that Excel checks before it applies formatting to a cell. I ll use this option in this section but before I demonstrate the formula option let s look at how Excel evaluates some logical functions. The work is in the file Logicalexamples. xlsx. What happens when you type a formula such as B3 2 in cell B4 If the value in B3 is a number smaller than 2 Excel returns the value True in cell B4 otherwise Excel returns False. You can refer to the file shown in Figure 24-24 for other examples like this including combinations of AND OR and NOT in formulas. In cell B6 the formula OR B3 3 C3 5 returns the value True if either of the conditions B3 3 or C3 5 is true. Because the value of C3 is greater than 5 Excel returns True. In cell B7 the formula AND B3 3 C3 5 returns True if B3 3 and C3 5. Because B3 is not equal to 3 Excel returns False. In cell B8 however the formula AND B3 3 C3 5 returns True because B3 3 and C3 5 are both true. In cell B9 the formula NOT B3 2 returns True because B3 2 would return False and a not-false value becomes True. Chapter 24 Conditional Formatting 201 A B c 2 Logical functions 3 4 6 4 B3 2 FALSE 5 B3 3 TRUE 6 OR B3 3 C3 5 TRUE 7 AND B3 3 C3 5 FALSE 8 .