Trừ khi bạn đang sống dưới một tảng đá, bạn đã nghe nói của eBay. eBay là một thị trường trực tuyến, nơi bạn có thể mua, bán, đấu giá hàng hoá. Với chức năng rất nhiều, nó thường rất khó để theo dõi của tất cả mọi thứ. Bạn có thể làm việc cho một công ty có kinh doanh là doanh số bán lẻ. | 736 CHAPTER 18 SOAP Introducing the eBay Web Services Unless you are living under a rock you have heard of eBay. eBay is an online marketplace where you can buy sell and auction off goods. With so much functionality it is often difficult to keep track of everything. You might be working for a company whose business is merchandise sales. The company may already have a complete internal system for inventory sales and tracking and is branching out to selling on eBay. With a system already in place the company does not want the hassle of having to manage its internal systems as well as its eBay account. Using eBay Web services can solve this. SOAP is but one of the possible methods that can be used to integrate with eBay because it also provides REST support. The eBay example that is provided shows how to get your SOAP environment set up and enables you to understand what it is doing it isn t a run-through of the API. The reason those who use SOAP like it is because SOAP is supposed to be simple. You load a WSDL document examine the available functionality and begin consuming the service. After a good amount of time spent trying to get my first successful connection to the eBay SOAP server I was wishing I had written about eBay s REST implementation instead. Once over the initial hurdle accessing the rest of the API was not as difficult. The material I will present in this example should help you avoid all of the issues I personally ran into decreasing the amount of your development time significantly. If you prefer to get straight to working with the eBay Web service you should follow the steps and tips provided in the following steps and then skip to the section Setting Up the Environment. However be forewarned that some of the information in the following sections may be useful in answering some questions you may have. 1. Sign up for the developer program at http join to receive your keys DevID AppID and CertID . 2. Sign up for a sandbox user ID .