với độ phân giải cao của scatteringenergy (e 10 meV hoặc 80 cm ') và góc (A0 = 2-5 "). đạt được bằng cách sử dụng quang phổ kế điện, thường là với 127 "các yếu tố phân tán hình trụ, phân tích gương bán cầu và hình trụ có được sử dụng. | MAGNETIC SHIELDING FLANGE FOR MOUNTING TO VACUUM CHAMBER Figure 2 Schematic of a 127 high-resolution electron energy-loss spectrometer mounted on an 8-in flange for studies of vibrations at surfaces. tional line widths of typically 5 cm-1 meV and Lorentzian line shapes. A practical matter is that this poor resolution is insufficient to resolve closely overlapping vibrational frequencies. Instrumentation In HREELS a monoenergetic beam of low energy electrons is focused onto the sample surface and the scattered electrons are analyzed with high resolution of rhe scattering energy 10 meV or 80 cm-1 and angle A0 2-5 . This is achieved by using elecưostatic spectrometers typically with 127 cylindrical dispersive elements. Hemispherical and cylindrical mirror analyzers have been used also. Some typical analyzer parameters are 25-mm mean radius slit width and pass energies. Refinements also include the addition of tandem cylindrical sectors to the monochromator and analyzer. A number of commercial versions of spectrometers are capable of routine and dependable operation. A simple spectrometer that we have used successfully is shown in Figure 2. Electrons from an electron microscope hairpin tungsten filament are focused with an Einzel lens onto the monochromator entrance slit pass through the monochromator and exit slit and are focused on the sample s surface by additional electrostatic HREELS 447 lenses in this case a double plate lens system . The incident beam energy is usually below 10 eV where dipole scattering cross sections are strong and the beam current to the sample is typically 1 nA. Electrons that are reflected from the sample s surface are focused on the analyzer entrance slit and energy analyzed to produce an electton energy loss vibrational spectrum. An electron multiplier and pulse counting electronics are used due to the small signals. Count rates in HREELS are typically 104-106 counts sec for elastically scattered electrons and 10