CS5 là phiên bản đầu tiên của After Effects mà tôi hết lòng khuyên bạn nên đi vào bộ nhớ & đa Preferences và cho phép Render khung hình cùng một lúc nếu bạn đang chạy một hệ thống với nhiều hơn các nguồn tài nguyên barest. Lý tưởng nhất, hệ thống của bạn nên có nhiều hơn một vài | CÁ smpoPDPTMergeCan Ồpílỉt Unregistered Version - http NOTES Most computer-generated images are premultiplied unless specific steps are taken to counteract the process. The Video Output section of the Output Module settings for items in the Render Queue includes a menu to specify whether you render with Straight or Premultiplied alpha by default it is set to Premultiplied. When you ask After Effects to guess how to interpret the footage on import by choosing Guess in the Interpret Footage dialog or pressing Ctrl Alt G Cmd Opt G it looks for sections of uniform color that are mixed into edge pixels indicating that the correct setting is Premultiplied. Back in Chapter 1 Figure presented the same foreground image with two alpha interpretations one interpreted correctly the other not. A misinterpreted alpha either fails to remove the background color from the edge pixels or does the opposite removing shading that should actually be present. After Effects attempts to guess not only the setting but the background color of a premultiplied image generally this is black or white but watch out for situations where a 3D artist has become creative and rendered against canary yellow or powder blue. This is bad form but it s also the reason there is an eyedropper adjacent to the Matted With Color setting Figure . Figure Be careful here Many experienced artists assume that After Effects has already made a guess here Straight when it is merely using whatever was set the last time. It s better to find out what the correct setting is from the application or artist that created the image and set this yourself. You may find that fringing appears in your comps despite your careful managing of the alpha channel interpretation on import. This does not indicate some bug in After Effects but rather a mystery you must solve. There are two basic ways it can occur An alpha channel is misinterpreted in Interpret Footage. Edge multiplication can materialize .