mà sẽ giúp bạn xác định trang web bạn đang thay đổi. Địa chỉ FTP, Username và Password là phần bắt buộc của thông thông tin kết nối từ xa. Thông tin của bạn nên bao gồm một địa chỉ FTP, đăng nhập và mật khẩu, với một tên thư mục có thể. 5. | 2 Click and drag to draw a rectangle to the upper left of your fish. It s okay if it goes off the Stage into the pasteboard. If you d like to match the sample file in the Property Inspector make sure the Lock width and height button is disabled and set the rectangle s size to 200 pixels wide by 130 pixels high. 3 In the Property Inspector locate the Rectangle Options section you ll see four text fields and a slider. Here is where you set the corner radius for all or each of your rectangle s corners. By default the four corners are locked together and use the same value. Click and drag the slider to the right until the corner values read about 40 you see the corners of the rectangle begin to round out. 686 Add a corner radius to the rectangle primitive using the slider in the Property Inspector. 4 Next you ll modify the corner radius using a slightly different technique. Instead of using the slider in the Property Inspector you can grab the points adjacent to any corner and drag them to reshape the corner radius. 687 5 Switch to the Selection tool then click and drag the point in the upper-left corner of your rectangle to the left and right. As you can see this modifies the corners of your rectangle move slightly to the right to reduce the corner radius. Using the Selection tool can be a more tactile way to modify corners. 6 Choose File Save to save your work. You ll now add the stem to make this a true word balloon however you may have noticed that primitive shapes behave unlike any other shape you ve used so far. While they appear to look and function much like Drawing Objects they actually can t be modified in the way that Drawing Objects can. Neither the Selection nor Subselection tool will allow you to modify them in the way you ve been able to do with Drawing .