Tìm tập tin một cách nhanh chóng bằng cách chọn các tiêu chí khác nhau trong bảng điều khiển Bộ lọc. Adobe Bridge cung cấp nhiều công cụ để giúp bạn tự động hóa các nhiệm vụ. Trong phần này, bạn sẽ tìm hiểu làm thế nào để truy cập và tận dụng lợi thế của một số các tính năng này. | 5 Working with the Magic Wand tool 4 In the Options bar make sure the tolerance is set to 32. 5 Position your cursor over the red portion of the kite and click once. Notice that similar tonal areas that are contiguous touching are selected. Place your cursor over different parts of the kite and click to see the different selections that are created. The selections pick up only similar tonal areas that are contiguous which in this case is generally not the most effective way to make a selection. 6 Choose Select Deselect or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl D Windows or Command D Mac OS . 7 Click once in the sky at the top center of the image. The sky becomes selected. Don t worry if the sky is not entirely selected it is because those areas are outside of the tolerance range of the area that you selected with the Magic Wand tool. Image with the background selected. To see what is included in a selection position any selection tool over the image. If the icon appears as a hollow arrow with a dotted box next to it it is over an active selection. If the icon of the tool or crosshair appears then that area is not part of the active selection. 8 Press Ctrl 0 zero Windows or Command 0 zero Mac OS to fit the window to the screen. Then hold down the Shift key and click the area of sky that was left unselected. Those areas are added to the selection of the sky. 9 Choose Select Inverse. Now the selection has been turned inside out selecting the kite. Inversing a selection is a helpful technique when solid colors are part of an image as you can make quick selections instead of focusing on the more diversely colored areas of an image. 98 Adobe Photoshop CS4 Digital Classroom The Lasso tool 5 If you have control over the environment when you capture your images it can be helpful to take a picture of an object against a solid background. That way you can create quick selections using tools like Quick Selection and the Magic Wand. 10 Don t worry if you accidentally deselect a region