tên cơ sở. Ví dụ, "d: \ đường dẫn \ " trả về "". char [] getDirName (char [] họ tên) tên thư mục. Ví dụ, "d: \ đường dẫn \ " trả về "d: \ con đường". char [] getDrive (char [] họ tên) Nhận ổ đĩa. Ví dụ, "d: \ đường dẫn \ " trả về "d:". Trả về chuỗi null trên các hệ thống mà không có khái niệm | The D Programming Language const char linesep String used to separate lines. const char curdir String representing the current directory. const char pardir String representing the parent directory. char getExt char fullname Get extension. For example d path returns bat . char getBaseName char fullname Get base name. For example d path returns . char getDirName char fullname Get directory name. For example d path returns d path . char getDrive char fullname Get drive. For example d path returns d . Returns null string on systems without the concept of a drive. char defaultExt char fullname char ext Put a default extension on fullname if it doesn t already have an extension. char addExt char fullname char ext Add file extension or replace existing extension. int isabs char path Determine if absolute path name. char join char p1 char p2 Join two path components. int fncharmatch char c1 char c2 Match file name characters. Case sensitivity depends on the operating system. int fnmatch char name char pattern Match filename strings with pattern using the following wildcards match 0 or more characters match any character chars match any character that appears between the chars match any character that does not appear between the Matching is case sensitive on a file system that is case sensitive. Returns 0 match 0 no match process random void rand_seed uint seed uint index The random number generator is seeded at program startup with a random value. This ensures that each program generates a different sequence of random numbers. To generate a repeatable sequence use rand_seed to start the sequence. seed and index start it and each successive value increments index. This means that the nth random number of the sequence can be directly generated by passing index n to rand_seed . uint rand Get next random number in sequence. 162 The D Programming Language regexp RegExp is a D class to handle regular expressions. Regular expressions are a