Thủ tục đầu tiên-VISIT bắt đầu khởi: = false; nhập cảnh: người gửi; ghé thăm thường xuyên: = ghé thăm thường xuyên {sender}, nếu ghé thăm thường xuyên = ∅ sau đó tiếp theo của ⇐ ghé thăm thường xuyên; gửi (T) để tiếp theo; | CucmeMa 103 transColor í 0 0 3anycKaeM . I nepedopa CTpoK KapTMHKM gnu onpegeneHMH oõracTM oKHa 6es ỘoHa for i 0 to i_height - 1 do begin i_left -1 3anycKaeM . I nepeõopa CTorõụoB KapTMHKM for j 0 to i_width - 1 do begin if i_left 0 then begin if rgnti j i transColor then i_left j end else if j i transColor then begin i_right j rectRgn CreateRectRgn i_left i iriqlit i 1 if Result 0 then Result rectRgn else begin CornbineRgn Result Result rectRgn RGN_ORJ Deleteobject rectRgn end i__left -1 end end if i_left 0 then begin rectRgn CreateRectRgn i_left i l_wldth i 1 if Result 0 then Result rectRgn else begin CombineRgn Result Result rectRgn RGN_ORJ 104 Enaea 3 DeleteObject rectRgn end end end end Bee 3TO HyxHO HanucaTb paHbme Koga oõpaõoTanKa coõbiTHH FormCreate. 3ma ộyHKHHB He othochtch K oõbeKTy ocHOBHoro OKHa H ahconroTHO caMocTOBTenb-Ha noaTOMy OHa gonxHa õbiTb onncaua paHbme aeM õygeT Hcnonb3OBaTbca. B npoTHBHOM cnyaae KOMnunaTop BbigacT omHÕKy noTOMy aTO He c-MOxe-T HaH-TH ee onncaHHe. Ecnri Bbl cgenanu Bce. aTO HanncaHO BHme Bb cMOxeTe 3anycTHTb nporpaMMy H HacnaxgaTbca pe3ynbTaTOM. Ho y Hee ecTb ogHH HegocTaTOK OKHO He HMeeT cTpoKH 3aronoBKa H cocTOHT TonbKO H3 ogHOH KHHeHTCKOH aac-TH a 3HaariT ero Henb3a nepeuemaTb no 3i paHy. Ho 3Ta npoõneMa pemaeTca oaeHb npocTO. na Haaana B pa3gene private oõbaBneHHa ộopvibi yKaxeM Tpn nepevieHHbie private Private declarations Dragging Boolean OldLeft OldTop Integer nepeMeHHaa Dragging õyger OTBeaaTb 3a BO3MOxHocTb nepe-TacKHBaHna. B ne-pevieHHbix OldLeft H OldTop õygyT coxpaHBTbca nepBOHaaanbHbie KOopgnHaTbi OKHa. Ha bcbkhh cnyaaiá B oõpaõoTanKe coõbiTna onCreate MOXHO npHHygn-TenbHO 3anncaTb B nepeMeHHyro Dragging 3Haae-Hne false aTOõbi cnyaaHHO npn crapTe B Hee He nonano true H HenpoH3BonbHoe nepeTacKHBaHHe. Tenepb co3gaanvi oõpaõoTanK coõbiTHa OnMowseDown gna rnaBHOH ộopvibi H BHHffleM B Hero cnegyro ee procedure fFiji-nl. formMouseDown Sender