Essential xml Quick Reference PHẦN 3

Một mô hình nội dung hỗn hợp là một tuyên bố đặc biệt cho phép một hỗn hợp của văn bản và các yếu tố trẻ em theo thứ tự bất kỳ. Các mô hình nội dung hỗn hợp phải sử dụng cú pháp sau: Phần tử và mô hình nội dung văn bản | 62 Essential XML Quick Reference number xml NaN number price Returns the numerical value of the string-value of the first child price element. position number position Description position returns the index of the context node in the context node-set 1 based . Examples item position 1 Returns the first child item element. price position last Returns the last child price element. round number round number Description round returns the integer that is closest to the argument number. If two numbers match this criterion the bigger number closest to positive infinity is returned. If the argument is less than zero but greater than or equal to negative zero is returned. If the argument is not a number NaN positive infinity negative infinity positive zero or negative zero it simply returns the same value passed in. Examples round 2 round 10 div 3 3 round price Returns the rounded-off value of the first child price element. XPath 63 starts-with boolean starts-with string string Description starts-with returns true if the first string starts with the second string. Examples starts-with Returns true. starts-with title Essential Returns true if the first child title element starts with Essential false otherwise. starts-with price 5 Returns true if the first child price element starts with the number 5 false otherwise. starts-with true false true Returns true. XPath string string string object Description string converts its argument into a string. The conversion details depend on the type of argument object. If the argument is omitted it defaults to a nodeset with the context node as its only member. Type Description node-set The string-value of the node in the node-set that is first in document order. If the node-set is empty an empty string is returned. boolean true is converted to the string true and false is converted to false . number The number is represented in decimal form preceded with a minus symbol - if the number is .

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