hộp kiểm tra hoàn thành bởi các liên kết Cập nhật, bạn sẽ thấy nội dung của việc kiểm soát UpdateProgress trong khi cập nhật đang diễn ra. Hình 6-8 cho thấy bản cập nhật trong tiến trình. Bạn sẽ thấy làm thế nào để thực hiện chúng trong phần "Sử dụng Pushpins" một chút ở phần sau của chương này, | 178 CHAPTER 8 USING THE AJAX CONTROL TOOLKIT PART 2 other pages and upon successful entry of the required data were then redirected back to the original page. Again a perfect example of this scenario is a login page. The ModalPopup extender is ideal when there is a need in web pages to display a popup in a modal fashion. The modal pop-up is triggered by an event on the target control after which it blocks all user access to the underlying page until the user makes a selection in the modal pop-up. The pop-up itself is typically a Panel control although it could be other controls as well. This control can be positioned anywhere on the page as stated by its X and Y properties. Table 8-7 lists the main properties of this extender. Table 8-7. ModalPopup Extender Properties Property Name Description BackgroundCssClass CSS class to be applied to the background when the modal pop-up is displayed. DropShadow Boolean value indicating whether or not to display a drop shadow for the modal pop-up. CancelControlID ID of the Cancel button for the modal pop-up. OkControlID ID of the OK button for the modal pop-up. OnCancelScript Client JavaScript script to load when the modal pop-up is dismissed with the Cancel button. OnOkScript Client JavaScript script to load when the modal pop-up is dismissed with the OK button. PopupControlID ID of the control to display as a modal pop-up often a Panel control . PopupDragHandleControlID ID of the control used as the drag handle for the modal pop-up. TargetControlID ID of the control that instigates the modal pop-up. X The initial X coordinate of the modal pop-up. Y The initial Y coordinate of the modal pop-up. For a great example of the ModalPopup extender turn to the sample web site provided with the AJAX Toolkit and view the file . When you click the Click here to change the paragraph style link a modal pop-up menu appears offering a range of paragraph styling options to the user via several radio buttons. .