C. Chuông và còi 4. Thường là thành phần cốt lõi của một trò chơi phức tạp nhất, cũng được gọi là renderer đồ họa? D. Các công cụ trò chơi 5. Tên của một cuộc biểu tình ban đầu của một trò chơi mà trình bày các yếu tố gameplay cơ bản là gì trước thực tế | macro command . xeíCỈse Q Finally wc just need to push some buttons and see if this works. remoteControl Pushing Macro On 0 ---Pushing Macro Off----- Here s -the output O Flie Edit WrOow Help You Can iSwtABabka java RemoteLoader ------ Remote Control ------- slot 0 headfirst .command party. MacroCommand slot 1 headfirst .command party. NoCommand slot 2 headfirst . .KoCommand Slot 3 headfirst . slot 4 headfirst .comma nd. party .NoCommand slot 5 headfirst . slot 61 undoI two -aero headfirst . headfirst. comma nd. pa I ty. NoCommand headfirst. command .party. NoCommand headli r st. command .party. NoCommand headfirst. command. party. NoCommand --- Pushing Macro On---- Light is on Living Room stereo is on Living Room TV is on Living Room TV channel is set for DVD Hot tub is heating to a steaming 104 degrees Hottub is bubbling All the Commands in the maero are e et ted when we invoke the on n 34ro --- Pushing Macro Off---- Light is off Living Room stereo is off Living Room TV is off Hot tub is cooling to 98 degrees and when we invoke ihc ol-P inadro Looks like rt K-orks c w In e cc ar th co m to yc yc of an pa re 226 Chapter 6 the command pattern ExeRciSe The only thing our MacroCommand is missing its undo functionality. When the undo button is pressed after a macro command all the commands that were invoked in the macro must undo their previous actions. Here s the code for MacroCommand go ahead and implement tile undoQ method public class MacroCommand implements Command Command commands public Command 1 commands - commands 1 public void execute for int i 0 i i commands i .execute 1 .