Mỗi của các đối tượng này yếu tố đại diện cho một nhóm hàng trong một bảng yếu tố (một TableSectionElement HTML trong cú pháp của các đặc điểm kỹ thuật W3C DOM). Một bảng có thể chỉ có một thead và một trong tfoot, nhưng nó có thể có những yếu tố tbody nhiều như tổ chức bảng của bạn yêu cầu. | Chapter 37 Table and List Objects BC49 IE4 window. method parameters IE5 W3C window. tableID . method parameters Compatibility WinIE4 MacIE5 NN6 Moz1 Safari1 About these objects Each of these element objects represents a row grouping within a table element an HTML TableSectionElement in the syntax of the W3C DOM specification . A table can have only one thead and one tfoot but it can have as many tbody elements as your table organization requires. These elements share many properties and methods with the table element in that they all contain rows. The benefit of defining table segments is apparent if you use table rules see the property earlier in this chapter and if you wish to limit the scope of row activities only to rows within one segment. For instance if your table has a thead that is to remain static your scripts can merrily loop through the rows of only the tbody section without coming anywhere near the row s in the thead. Properties ch chOff Value One-character string. Read Write Compatibility WinIE6 MacIE5 NN6 Moz1 Safari1 The ch and chOff properties represent the optional char and charoff attributes of table row section elements in the HTML specification. As of IE6 and these properties are yet to be implemented in a browser eventually they will help align cell content within a column or column group similar to the way word processors allow for formatting features such as decimal tabs. For details on these attributes see http tr REC-html40 struct adef-char. Related Items col colgroup objects. vAlign Value String constant. Read Write Compatibility WinIE4 MacIE4 NN6 Moz1 Safari1 Providing the cell-oriented vAlign property for a table row section enables you to specify a vertical alignment to apply to all cells within that section rather than specify the valign attribute for each td element. By default browsers render cell .