Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về y học được đăng trên tạp chí y học Critical Care cung cấp cho các bạn kiến thức về ngành y đề tài: Erythropoietin and renin as biological markers in critically ill patients. | Available online http content 8 5 R328 Research Erythropoietin and renin as biological markers in critically ill patients Fabienne Tamion1 Véronique Le Cam-Duchez2 Jean-Franọois Menard3 Christophe Girault1 Antoine Coquerel4 and Guy Bonmarchand5 Open Access intensive Care Consultant Medical Intensive Care Unit Rouen University Hospital Rouen France 2Hematologist Radioanalysis Laboratory and Hematology Laboratory Rouen University Hospital Rouen France 3Department of Biostatistics Caen University Hospital Caen France 4Head of Pharmacology Radioanalysis Laboratory Rouen University Hospital Rouen and Department of Pharmacology Caen University Hospital Caen France 5Head of Medical Intensive Care Medical Intensive Care Unit Rouen University Hospital Rouen France Corresponding author Fabienne Tamion Received 19 December 2003 Revisions requested 13 February 2004 Revisions received 7 April 2004 Accepted 5 June 2004 Published 9 August 2004 Critical Care 2004 8 R328-R335 DOI cc2902 This article is online at http content 8 5 R328 2004 Tamion et al. licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article verbatim copying and redistribution of this article are permitted in all media for any purpose provided this notice is preserved along with the article s original URL. Abstract Introduction During sepsis the endocrine immune and nervous systems elaborate a multitude of biological responses. Little is known regarding the mechanisms responsible for the final circulating erythropoietin EPO and renin levels in septic shock. The aim of the present study was to assess the role of EPO and renin as biological markers in patients with septic shock. Methods A total of 44 critically ill patients with septic shock were evaluated. Results Nonsurvivors had significantly higher serum EPO levels than did survivors on admission median minimum-maximum 61 10-602 versus 20 5-369 . A negative relationship between serum EPO and blood .