C Làm sản phẩm đầu ra C chuẩn bị cho việc xuất bản (web và in) C In theo yêu cầu và các trang web phục vụ C thành phần điều khiển C bảo đảm chất lượng và chống C XML XML XSLT biến đổi C là thành phần trung lưu trong XSL-FO | Introduction to XSLTConcepts slide 46 Single Source and Reuse Publishing XSLT fulfills the XML promise of multiple use Making the output product preparation for publishing web and print Print on Demand and web serving composition drivers QA and proofing XML to XML transform XSLT as the middle component in XSL-FO slide 47 Construct the Output for Publishing transformations build products Out of databases rearranged for the web Customized printing Different users get different order different text or content same content different look-and-feel Print on Demand with data up to this minute Mjlburry Tscnnoogles Inc. Page 25 Introduction to XSLTConcepts slide 48 What You Want in the Order You Want It Select Extract List Omit Pull out the metadata to put into the catalog Extract titles and abstracts of all articles for the advertising webpage Extract the CME material for a special site for nurses Get all the environmental impact material Publish this report with all the SECRET material removed Get me the citations to send to the link matching service My car has a sun-roof manual transmission and option package 4 make me my owners manual Get me all the dosage sections that mention pregnancy restrictions slide 49 There is Not Just One Print Product Customization change assemble or adapt based on customer or organization mix and match text and graphic components target specific markets Personalization tailor a product to an individual person based on purchase profile history Internationalization multiple languages script writing directions currency Localization adapting a print product to a specific locality region Page 26 Introduction to XSLTConcepts slide 50 Some of the Text is Added by the Transform textual additions are called generated text Text that is not in the data but is put in by the transform based on the tagging For example numbers or bullets that prefix list items 1. 2. 3. based on list-item tag mark a footnote reference 2 or a citation reference Lapeyre 2006 .