như chỉnh sửa # {} ". Để chứng minh việc sử dụng các chú thích bắt đầu @, chúng ta hãy xem xét một lần nữa tại Danh mục Tiện ích mở rộng của chúng tôi. Pageflow trong hình 4-6 có một chi nhánh được sử dụng để chỉnh sửa một tiện ích được lựa chọn, bắt đầu với các trang "Chỉnh sửa Tiện ích mẫu". | CHAPTER 5 STRUCTURED PAGEFLOW 125 We explored how jBPM pageflows are configured using a jPDLAOWLffle that s deployed with your Seam application and how jPDL allows you to specify the states transitions actions and conditional flows in your pageflow. And as usual you saw all of this in action he ourGadget Catalogapplicationbyimplementing a new gadget wizard using jBPM pageflow. CHAPTER 6 Security Security is a natural part of nearly every online application. Any application that requires some kind of personal service needs to know the identity of the user. Preferences and data can tbe assorted withyouunless theapplicationknowswho This is the goal of authentication socurelyManhf dieuaeasof aiystem. Appheationsase typiaaUy titlosilinetolhalntanypeaple tin ueatham not cne one. It is vary I svet ine Uiing e same peoptehavemnre antes. eacessfocno on the roles and perrmssmnslhat the vne .Authorizahnp dush el s for assigpmg andvanl ymg she accelsshUsSsv f usar n. In thioehapeet wecsegois o expOm n i 1 cnd authoriziAv giwe youAhigh-seAolvvetviewotiho capalidfocsprovidedty Seam. TJusern rlasari berome. alrurilyirakUed extenctensrequired in the next version of the Gadget Calaios andwe u impfomerd tlsem inùe rest c foheshapse itttmaSeiim s security ovrises. Seam Security Support Seam directly supports the integration of security measures into your applications. Specifically it facilitatesaddingauthenticationand authorization features to your Seam applications. As any security expert will tell you there are many other aspects to be considered whass lc lmesl tt iup usfon detection etc. hus Sa uoe footinc oau lilemoslaomnplilappiicalpln can be intkkcatodSUsooghrSheemevns. Authen Hcnlkm Seam helps you inject login functionality into your application in areas where you need to identify users dd .