Đây có phải là giá trị, tuy nhiên, một biện pháp tốt của năng lực cần thiết? Có lẽ không, bởi vì giây hoặc vài phút sau khi kết thúc thí nghiệm, sự kiện sản xuất có thể làm tăng đáng kể. Thậm chí nếu bạn áp dụng một yếu tố lận, chẳng hạn như thêm 30% công suất thêm, bạn có thể không hoàn toàn tin tưởng | CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCING XP 15 The bottom line is that all of these XP practices are good. These are practices that all developers start out wanting to exercise but because of project deadlines and unforeseen circumstances they are dropped in favor of completing promised system functionality. XP believes that these practices are too valuable to let slide regardless of the promised functionality. Other Agile Methodologies As we mentioned earlier a good number of other Agile methodologies are available. These include Lean Development Dynamic Systems Development Method Adaptive Software Development Crystal Scrum and Feature Driven Development FDD . We include a brief description of each of these methods since they all compete with XP Lean Development Lean Development is a strategically oriented methodology created by Bob Charette. It is based on concepts introduced at Toyota and used for improving the production of automobiles. It centers around 12 principles Satisfy the customer. Always provide the best value for the money. Success depends on active customer participation. Every Lean Development project is a team effort. Everything is changeable. Domain not point solutions. Complete don t construct. Deliver 80 percent of the solution today versus 100 percent of the solution tomorrow. Minimalism is essential. Needs determine technology. Product growth is feature growth not size growth. Never push Lean Development past its limits. Bob would say you are not doing Lean Development unless you are developing at one-third the cost one-third the time and one-third the defect rate. Dynamic Systems Development Method Dynamic Systems Development Method DSDM is an outgrowth from the Rapid Application Development RAD practices and iterative development. At the heart of this methodology are three core cycles that include functional modeling design and build and implementation. 16 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCING XP A dedicated consortium develops this methodology. In order to use DSDM you must