Cấu hình một DHCP Server Configuration Wizard DHCP - Bước 3 cửa sổ xuất hiện. Hình 11-9 cho phép bạn chỉ định tên dịch vụ, trong đó để lưu trữ các bản ghi hình một DHCP Server Configuration Wizard DHCP - Bước 4 cửa sổ xuất hiện. Hình 11-10 cho thấy nơi để xác định độ dài của hợp đồng cho thuê. Ví dụ này | Configuring a DHCP Server The DHCP Configuration Wizard - Step 2 window appears. Figure 11-8 shows you where to enter a path for the data store. This example uses the default directory. Figure 11-8 DHCP Configuration Wizard - Step 2 Window 4. Accept the default path name and click . Configuring DHCP Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services Revision A 11-19 Configuring a DHCP Server The DHCP Configuration Wizard - Step 3 window appears. Figure 11-9 allows you to specify the name service in which to store host records. Steps 1 Select data storage format 1 2 Configure data store. 3 Select hosts namesen ice 4 Specif lease policy. 5 Specify DNS domain and servers. Which of the following nameservices should be used to store hosts records Do not manage hosts records o etcfliosts 6 Specify network address a I o NIS Domain subnet mask. 7 Specify network type and rc i o DNS Domain 8 Specify NIS domain and servers. 9 Specify NIS domain and Figure 11-9 DHCP Configuration Wizard - Step 3 Window 5. Select etc hosts and click . 11-20 Network Administration forthe Solaris 9 Operating Environment Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services Revision A Configuring a DHCP Server The DHCP Configuration Wizard - Step 4 window appears. Figure 11-10 shows you where to specify the length of the lease. This example uses the defaults 1 and days. Steps 1 Select data storage format. 2 Configure data store. 3 Select hosts nameservice 4 Specify lease policy. 5 Specify DNS domain and servers. 6 Specify network address ai subnet mask. 7 Specify network type and rc 8 Specify NIS domain and servers. 9 Specify NIS domain and How long can clients use the IP addresses assigned by this server Length of Lease 11 days Checkthe box below to enable clients to renew their leases prior to expiration. If you uncheck it clients will be forced to reboot to obtain a new address when the lease expires. E Clients can renew their leases Figure .