Nếu bạn chạy các mẫu mã được hiển thị trước đó kết nối với SQL Server, một ngoại lệ an ninh được đưa ra. Tuy nhiên, nếu thay vào đó bạn cố gắng kết nối đến một cơ sở dữ liệu MDB, như ví dụ sau đây cho thấy, các công trình tất cả mọi thứ: / / Sử dụng một chuỗi kết nối Sql vào thời điểm này sẽ cho kết quả trong một | Security Processing for Each Request The user on the HttpContext when the page executes is null or empty br else The user on the HttpContext when the page executes is br The user on the HttpContext is of type br The user on the HttpContext and the thread principal point at the same object User br The information is displayed running on an application with the following characteristics The site is running locally on the web server that is not on a UNC share . IIS has Anonymous and Integrated Authentication enabled. is using the default mode of Windows for authentication. The identity element s impersonate attribute is set to false. The page output is shown here The OS thread identity during BeginRequest is NT AUTHORITY NETWORK SERVICE The managed thread identity during BeginRequest is null or empty The managed thread identity during BeginRequest is a GenericPrincipal True The user on the HttpContext during BeginRequest is null The OS thread identity when the page executes is NT AUTHORITY NETWORK SERVICE The managed thread identity when the page executes is null or empty The managed thread identity is of type The user on the HttpContext when the page executes is null or empty The user on the HttpContext is of type The user on the HttpContext and the thread principal point at the same object True The operating system thread identity makes sense because this is the identity of the underlying IIS6 worker process. The runtime is not impersonating any identity so the security context of the thread is not reset by . As mentioned earlier during BeginRequest neither the HttpContext nor the Thread object have had any security information explicitly set by . The security information during page execution is a bit more interesting. The .