Trong suốt cuốn sách, chúng tôi sẽ sử dụng cả hai trình tự UML và sơ đồ cộng tác. Sơ đồ như vậy, có thể hoán đổi cho nhau, mô tả một hành vi bằng phương tiện của một số đối tượng và các tin nhắn trao đổi trong một chuỗi thời gian nhất định. Hình 1,9 cho thấy một ví dụ về một sơ đồ trình tự mô tả các hành vi | 164 Recurring User Interface Designs Cultural issue in general. This is a complex problem and involves the help of specialists in the target culture. A large number of cultural accidents can be found in commercial GUIs. Some are unimportant such as a progress bar that starts from the left in a country in which text is written from right to left but others are more serious. Even some apparently neutral associations like using a Red Cross logo for example can be found offensive in some nonWestern cultures. Using resources bundles for all the relevant resources icons text messages and the rest can also be useful even if an application is not planned for internationalization as it allows all messages icons and other resources such as audio clips to be polished more easily by non-programmers if necessary. A problem arises on platforms with different locales. From J2SE onwards multilingual support covers standard JFC components such as the file chooser dialog. This engenders the risk of providing users with fragmented multilingual GUIs for example with the main frame in English and other standard dialogs in the application s current language. As a work-around the locale can be overwritten or labels can be set explicitly by developers although this latter practice results in a hack rather than a disciplined design. It is always good practice to consider internationalization issues in the first place when designing a GUI. This involves not only providing a flexible and dynami-cally-adjustable layout to handle text of unforeseen dimensions or other technical tricks but also to rethink icons interactions and even GUI concepts from a multi-culturally-aware perspective. Daunting as it may seem such a task is well repaid in the long run. The cost of localizing an already-developed application from scratch is always much greater than the effort of designing it and testing it for usability with internationalization in mind. Even if internationalization is not foreseen in the