Phần II: Một sự hiểu biết rộng của Java API, Công cụ, và kỹ thuật JavaBeans được tạo ra bởi JAXB, và đặt chúng vào các cấu trúc dữ liệu riêng của bạn. Bạn sẽ tìm thấy cho mình thêm các lớp học JAXB danh sách, bản đồ của bạn, cây, và cấu trúc dữ liệu khác. Đây là gánh nặng của việc sử dụng JAXB với một lược đồ hiện | Part II A Broad Understanding of Java APIs Tools and Techniques JavaBeans generated by JAXB and putting them into your own data structures. You ll find yourself adding JAXB classes to your own lists maps trees and other data structures. This is the added burden of using JAXB with an existing schema over using Java Serialization or XMLEncoder Decoder. In the example configuration data model used throughout this chapter you used an instance of book .Configuration to represent the model. It contained Java representations of points and colors. To use the JAXB-generated configuration data model in your application you will have to transform it to and from the data model. It s not a difficult task but must be done for things like color and point representations to have any meaning to your application. The diagram in Figure 5-13 illustrates where transformations fit into the bigger picture of your application. Figure 5-13 In the original Configuration data model example you wrapped your serialization code into Swing actions. This let you easily add code to save and load configuration data to menus and buttons in your application. You will do the same for code to save and load configuration data this time with the XML format based on the schema file. The key difference though will be that you need to integrate transformation functionality into these actions because a conversion needs to be done between the JAXB-generated data model and the original Configuration data model as shown in Figure 5-13 . Other than this transformation the new XML save and load Swing actions will be very similar in structure and nature to the older actions. Implementing the Save Action The save action s actionPerformed method will start out the same way as the original save action by prompting the user for a file in which to save the configuration information package book . import 284 Chapter 5 Persisting Your Application Using