Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về y học được đăng trên tạp chí y học 'Respiratory Research cung cấp cho các bạn kiến thức về ngành y đề tài:"HTLV-1 in rural Guinea-Bissau: prevalence, incidence and a continued association with HIV between 1990 and 2007. | van Tienen et al. Retrovirology 2010 7 50 http content 7 1 50 gtr RETR0VIR0L0GY RESEARCH Open Access HTLV-1 in rural Guinea-Bissau prevalence incidence and a continued association with HIV between 1990 and 2007 Carla van Tienen 1 Maarten F Schim van der Loeff2 Ingrid Peterson1 Matthew Cotten1 Birgitta Holmgren3 Soren Andersson4 Tim Vincent1 Ramu Sarge-Njie1 Sarah Rowland-Jones5 Assan Jaye1 Peter Aaby6 and Hilton Whittle1 Abstract Background HTLV-1 is endemic in Guinea-Bissau and the highest prevalence in the adult population was observed in a rural area Caió in 1990. HIV-1 and HIV-2 are both prevalent in this area as well. Cross-sectional associations have been reported for HTLV-1 with HIV infection but the trends in prevalence of HTLV-1 and HIV associations are largely unknown especially in Sub Saharan Africa. In the current study data from three cross-sectional community surveys performed in 1990 1997 and 2007 were used to assess changes in HTLV-1 prevalence incidence and its associations with HIV-1 and HIV-2 and potential risk factors. Results HTLV-1 prevalence was in 1990 in 1997 and in 2007. Prevalence was higher among women than men in all 3 surveys and increased with age. The Odds Ratio OR of being infected with HTLV-1 was significantly higher for HIV positive subjects in all surveys after adjustment for potential confounding factors. The risk of HTLV-1 infection was higher in subjects with an HTLV-1 positive mother versus an uninfected mother OR CI . The HTLV-1 incidence was stable between 1990-1997 Incidence Rate IR 1 000 pyo and 1997-2007 IR 1 000 pyo Incidence Rate Ratio IRR CI . The incidence of HTLV-1 among HIV-positive individuals was higher compared to HIV negative individuals IRR CI while the HIV incidence did not differ by HTLV-1 status IRR CI . Conclusions To our knowledge this is the largest community based study that has reported on HTLV-1 prevalence .