Ion Exchange Processes Ion trao đổi, trao đổi giữa các ion trong dung dịch và ion khác trong lớp ranh giới giữa các giải pháp và một bề mặt tích điện (Bảng thuật ngữ của Điều khoản Khoa học Đất, 1997), thực sự đã là một trong những dấu hiệu hóa học của đất. Kể từ khi các nghiên cứu tiên phong của J. Thomas Way vào giữa thế kỷ 19 (Way, 1850), nhiều nghiên cứu quan trọng đã xảy ra trên các khía cạnh khác nhau của cả hai cation và trao đổi anion trong đất. Các nguồn trao. | 6 Ion Exchange Processes Introduction Ion exchange the interchange between an ion in solution and another ion in the boundary layer between the solution and a charged surface Glossary of Soil Science Terms 1997 truly has been one of the hallmarks in soil chemistry. Since the pioneering studies of J. Thomas Way in the middle of the 19th century Way 1850 many important studies have occurred on various aspects of both cation and anion exchange in soils. The sources of cation exchange in soils are clay minerals organic matter and amorphous minerals. The sources of anion exchange in soils are clay minerals primarily 1 1 clays such as kaolinite and metal oxides and amorphous materials. The ion exchange capacity is the maximum adsorption of readily exchangeable ions diffuse ion swarm and outer-sphere complexes on soil particle surfaces Sposito 2000 . From a practical point of view the ion exchange capacity the sum of the CEC defined earlier see Box for description of CEC measurement and the AEC anion exchange capacity which is the sum of total exchangeable anions that a soil can adsorb expressed as cmolc kg-1 where c is the charge Glossary of Soil Science Terms 1997 of a soil is 187 188 6 Ion Exchange Processes important since it determines the capacity of a soil to retain ions in a form such that they are available for plant uptake and not susceptible to leaching in the soil profile. This feature has important environmental and plant nutrient implications. As an example NO- is important for plant growth but if it leaches as it often does it can move below the plant root zone and leach into groundwater where it is deleterious to human health see Chapter 1 . If a soil has a significant AEC nitrate can be held albeit weakly. Sulfate can be significantly held in soils that have AEC and be available for plant uptake sulfate accumulations are sometimes observed in subsoils where oxides as discrete particles or as coatings on clays impart positive charge or an AEC to the .