HFS + tiếp theo để HFS vay nhiều tính năng từ hệ thống tập tin Unix-phong cách, nhưng nó dừng lại thêm một tạp chí. New Macintosh luôn tàu với các ổ đĩa định dạng HFS +, nhưng hệ thống tập tin này không được sử dụng nhiều trên các phương tiện thông tin di động. | HFS The follow-on to HFS borrows many features from Unix-style filesystems but it stops short of adding a journal. New Macintoshes invariably ship with their disks formatted for HFS but this filesystem is not used much on removable media. The MacOS X installation CD-ROM is an exception it uses HFS . Linux support for HFS is in the alpha stage and is not yet integrated into the kernel. The Linux HFS Web page is http projects linux-hfsplus . FFS MacOS X provides the option to use the Unix Fast Filesystem FFS which is described in the next section. Many MacOS X systems continue to use HFS though. If you need to exchange removable media between Macintosh and Linux systems you can do so. HFS is the best choice for a filesystem and if you use a floppy disk it has to be a floppy or a rare 720KB HFS floppy. Alternatively you can use FAT because modern Macintoshes support FAT. In theory you can use FFS for exchanges with a Macintosh running MacOS X but this option is tedious to implement. If you run Linux on a Macintosh you may want to create an HFS partition to be used for data exchange between Linux and MacOS. Because Linux can t read HFS partitions this data-exchange partition is a practical necessity when you want to share files across OSs. Miscellaneous Filesystems In addition to Microsoft and Apple filesystems Linux supports a wide variety of other foreign filesystems. Most are of extremely limited utility and interest. Here are some highlights BeFS BeOS uses its own journaling filesystem known as BeFS. A read-only Linux driver for this filesystem is available from http authors VA008030 bfs . The author claims to be working on read write support but it does not yet exist. The driver also does not yet work with kernels as of mid-2002. Although BeOS is a single-user OS BeFS supports file ownership and permissions similar to those used in Linux. In theory BeFS could become a contender for a native journaling filesystem but the