Đây là những đối tượng của loại Sách, Tạp chí, TechnicalReport và người sử dụng, InternalUser tương ứng, như mô tả trong sơ đồ đối tượng tĩnh. Đổi lại, họ có một tham chiếu đến các đối tượng cho vay (liên kết hai chiều trong hình | MONOGRAPHS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE REVERSE ENGINEERING OF OBJECT ORIENTED CODE Paolo Tonella Alessandra Potrich 0 Springer Reverse Engineering of Object Oriented Code Monographs in Computer Science Abadi and Cardelli A Theory of Objects Benosman and Kang editors Panoramic Vision Sensors Theory and Applications Broy and Stolen Specification and Development of Interactive Systems FOCUS on Streams Interfaces and Refinement Brzozowski and Seger Asynchronous Circuits Cantone Omodeo and Policriti Set Theory for Computing From Decision Procedures to Declarative Programming with Sets Castillo Gutierrez and Hadi Expert Systems and Probabilistic Network Models Downey and Fellows Parameterized Complexity Feijen and van Gasteren On a Method of Multiprogramming Herbert and Spârck Jones editors Computer Systems Theory Technology and Applications Leiss Language Equations Mclver and Morgan editors Programming Methodology Mclver and Morgan Abstraction Refinement and Proof for Probabilistic Systems Misra A Discipline of Multiprogramming Program Theory for Distributed Applications Nielson editor ML with Concurrency Paton editor Active Rules in Database Systems Selig Geometric Fundamentals of Robotics Second Edition Tonella and Potrich Reverse Engineering of Object Oriented .