Teach Yourself Lập trình Cơ sở dữ liệu với Visual C + + 6 trong 21 ngày . 13-ghép chung Lập trình hướng đối tượng Cơ sở dữ liệu quan hệ Dạy lập trình cơ sở dữ liệu với Visual C + + 6 trong 21 ngày - Ngày 18-Truy vấn một nguồn dữ liệu OLE DBtạo, xóa, và sửa đổi bảng nguồn dữ liệu. Giao diện này là tùy chọn. | Teach Yourself Database Programming with Visual C 6 in 21 days -- Day 19-Navigating the Result of a Query 259 Retrieve 26Simp PDF Merge and Split UnregisteredVersitOrf-fittpiy WWW. simpOpdf .HSmt mldRows 262 pRows The Row Buffer 263 264 265 266 Free Up All Allocated Memory 267 delete pBuffer 268 pAccessor- ReleaseAccessor hAccessor NULL 269 pAccessor- Release 270 delete pBindings 271 pRowset- Release 272 pCommandText- Release 273 pCreateCommand- Release 274 pCreateSession- Release 275 pIDBInitialize- Uninitialize 276 pIDBInitialize- Release 277 278 Release the Component Object Module Library 279 CoUninitialize 280 281 The code in Listing should produce this output 1 CustNumber CustFirstName 2 ------------------------------ 3 1 Bruce 4 2 Homer 5 3 Clark 6 4 John 7 5 Bill The key feature of this simple application is that it isn t tied to any particular query result. You can modify the SQL command to access a different number of rows or for different tables and the application will still work Today s discussion of how to access row set information continues by examining the more advanced aspects of data access and navigation column types supported handling these various types defining and using cursors using bookmarks and making changes to row data. Navigation Listing shows you how to navigate a row set sequentially using the GetNextRows method of the IRowset interface. As you know a cursor is a type of pointer that points to the current row you are accessing. With the GetNextRows method the cursor starts at the beginning of the row set and moves sequentially through the row set as you call the GetNextRows method. As demonstrated in the example you can use the GetNextRows method to move the cursor a number of rows at a time. The GetNextRows method functions until the end of the row set then the RestartPosition method of the IRowset http ebooks 0672313502 ch19 17 of 23 9 22 1999 1 47 09 AM Teach Yourself Database Programming with .