và với các lĩnh vực vấn đề được nhấn mạnh với các hình ảnh và các thông báo lỗi. Hình và 12,2 cho thấy những gì sẽ xảy ra khi bạn cố gắng để gửi một hình thức web với dữ liệu không hợp lệ. | 228 Simpo PDF Merge and SplitrUnregistered Version - http exception class end-conversation redirect view-id message Database access failed message redirect exception exception class redirect view-id message Unexpected failure message redirect exception pages When a RuntimeException is thrown from the application Seam redirects to the page with the JSF error message but without ending the current long-running conversation. The page is as follows Figure shows it in a browser. ui composition . ui define name content div class section h1 General h1 p The following general error has occurred p p h messages p p Please come back and try again Thanks. p div ui define ui define name sidebar h1 Custom Error page h1 . ui define ui composition Figure The page for RuntimeException From the Library of sam kaplan Simpo PDF Merge and Split u nreg is te r eh vers on -i http Error Messages with Redirect The Redirect annotation can also take a message attribute to send a JSF message to the error page it redirects to. Using Error Pages with Seam Security It is easy to redirect to a custom login page when an unauthenticated user tries to access a restricted web page protected by the Seam security framework see Chapter 18 . You just need to capture and redirect the org jboss seam security NotLoggedInException. The Debug Information Page Custom error pages are nice for production systems. However when you develop the application you do not know when and what kinds of errors might come up. Seam and Facelets provide generic mechanisms to capture any error during development and redirect to the debug information page so that you can accurately pinpoint the error source. The Facelets Debug Page To enable the Facelets debug page you need to put Facelets in development mode in