Kể từ khi cập nhật AJAX dựa trên rerendering các thành phần JSF, đó là khó khăn để thêm hiệu ứng JavaScript ưa thích, bạn phải làm thay đổi sâu rộng các thành phần chính mình, mà, như chúng ta đã thảo luận, không phải là một nhiệm vụ dễ dàng. Chắc chắn, bạn có thể sử dụng a4j: mediaOutput | 328 Simpo PDF Merge andfSpl it UnregistererTversiorf- http Selecting a Task in the UI We just saw that web actions are associated with jBPM tasks via the taskId parameter. Each available task in the waiting state has a taskId. But how do users determine the available taskIds and how can they assign tasks to themselves or other users This is possible via built-in Seam jBPM components. Business Processes and Conversations We can draw an analogy here between business processes and long-running conversations. When a user has multiple long-running conversations he or she can choose one to join by switching the browser window or selecting from the conversationList . Business processes are not tied to browser windows the Seam components in this section are the business process equivalents to conversationList . The pooledTaskInstanceList Component The pooledTaskInstanceList component finds all the task instances that can be assigned to the logged-in user. This can be used for example in a ticketing system where an admin gets the list of unassigned tasks he or she can work on. This example code could be used . on the page h dataTable value pooledTaskInstanceList var task h column f facet name header Id f facet h column h column f facet name header Description f facet h column h dataTable As we specified in the process definition file see Section the is the in the task s process scope. The pooledTask Component This component is typically used inside a pooledTaskInstanceList data table. It provides a unique method of assigning a task to the current logged-in actor. The id of the task to assign must be passed as a request parameter so that the action method . the @BeginTask method can determine which task it starts for. To use this From the Library of sam kaplan Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered VerSion - http component .